Log #5: Head down

Just a short log this week, mostly because I’ve been heads-down, building.

Reflecting on the last few days, the thing that stands out most is that I’m enjoying it. For the first time in what seems like forever, I’m having fun building stuff; I flow, the development process is pleasant, and deploying regularly is satisfying. I’ve wanted more time to get more done.

The Delivery Ravens changelog covers all the important stuff I deployed. But the main item this week was allowing you to set a Stripe webhook endpoint manually, instead of requiring webhook_write permissions on the Restricted API Key. It turns out, Stripe doesn’t allow webhook_write permissions in Restricted API Keys by default - you have to specifically request them. I don’t remember ever having to do that, so maybe I’m just grandfathered in?

In last week’s “What next”, a goal was to “Progress towards Delivery Ravens 1.0”, so I’ve been thinking more about version 1.0 of Delivery Ravens will actually be. I’m one of those people that will always find something to tweak or build, almost as a procrastination tactic (my task list grew this week despite completing half a dozen).

The simplest way to put it is 1.0 will be a product where I’m not completely embarassed by what an end user will see or experience. So with that in mind, I’ve filtered and prioritized my tasks. And 1.0 seems surprisingly close, partly because I’m being stricter - I just want to clean up the crap and fix some issues, there’s no need for new features at this point.

Beyond Delivery Ravens, I made some reasonable progress on the info product, though I’m still rebalancing my time so that I’m spending more on putting it together. I should set a deadline; having an open deadline is deadly - there’s no doubt that it’ll continue forever if I let it, so let’s decide on a sensible launch date.

What’s next

  • Keep working on the info product.
  • Set a deadline for the info product.
  • Continue progressing towards Delivery Ravens 1.0.